Imposter Syndrome Studios

Tutant Meenage Neetle Teetle (Made to order)



This is Kevin, the oft-forgotten fifth Neetle Teetle. He's not as strong as his brothers, but has a heart of gold and makes a mean risotto.
5.5" hoop, cross stitch

Please allow 2-3 weeks turn-around time from order date to completion. I'll let you know when it's ready to ship! Also, feel free to customize eye mask color - leave me a note in the comments when you order. I have pretty much every color of the rainbow, so just let me know. If no color is specified in comments, default will be yellow (as shown). Colors of turtle may vary slightly, but will be generally the same.

$5 to ship within US
Shipping to Canada and UK available (email for shipping price to other countries!)